Once considered only for large companies, outsourcing various artwork functions is now preferred for even small-to-medium sized companies. Outsourcing allows you to focus on proactive, sales-centric efforts, while a professional resource manages these back-office functions:
o artwork validation & manipulation (vectorizing, digitizing, redrawing, etc.)
o creating quality art files for submission to vendors
o virtual sample creation, storyboards, flyers, virtual catalogs - and more
Discover the different levels of engagement, along with the strengths and weaknesses inherent in each. Join industry veteran Scott A. Nussinow, MAS for this enlightening and educational presentation, featuring an overview of artwork outsourcing, how it works, and how it can simplify your operations – and your life.
Learning Objectives:
• Attendees will learn a brief history of how outsourced resources changed the industry for the better
• Attendees will get an understanding of how other industry prof. utilize outsourced artwork resources.
• Attendees will better understand the different types of outsourced artwork resources engagements available to them, including strengths and weaknesses of each.
• Attendees will be encouraged to consider hybrid engagements that best suit their needs, ask specific questions, and find solutions that work for them.
About Scott: Scott A. Nussinow, MAS has served in multiple senior-level positions with industry Suppliers and services providers, including PPAI - since 1977. A PPAI Fellow, he served on the PPAI Board of Directors as well as on many Association committees. He also served on the Executive Board of the SAAGNY Foundation, the PPEF Board, the YESAA and YEPPA Boards, the CAS/MAS Board, and others. Scott has been an industry speaker for PPAI, as well as Regionals, and co-facilitated a PPAI President's Forum. He was on the Technology task force that lead to the creation of ePSA - and served as vice president for industry tech start-up iservcorp. Scott is the executive vice president for leading industry services provider, ArtworkServicesUSA.